Is Germany a state or a tribe?

When Germany is mentioned, in recent years, political, economic, military, social, and now intelligence deficiencies, crises, and turmoil come to mind.

Statements made to Politico by the former Director of the British Intelligence Service (MI6), Richard Dearlove, in recent days shed light on the chaos and turmoil in which Germany finds itself.

When I read the article, the first question that came to mind was whether Germany is a state or a primitive tribal organization.

Richard Dearlove’s statements are as follows:

“The Germans’ history in terms of security is very poor, shocking. Merkel was so naive that she was managing Germany over the phone, so you can be sure that the Russians were definitely listening to her and continued to do so. During my time as MI6 Director, we were very careful in selecting which information to provide to the Germans with whom we had intelligence partnerships. There were very sensitive pieces of information that we would never give them.”

The Nazis had a tremendous intelligence network. When World War II ended, Nazi engineers and important intelligence officers, along with millions of documents and archives, were shared between the United States and the Soviets.

A significant portion of Nazi intelligence officers were sheltered and brought to America by the United States. These individuals played a role in the establishment of the CIA in the United States and shared their experiences. Reinhard Gehlen is the most prominent example among these individuals.

How did the Germans, who were influential even in the establishment of the CIA in the US, end up so far removed from their historical experiences and accumulations in the modern state of the Federal Republic of Germany?

While denying the Nazi legacy due to genocide, why did they not preserve institutional intelligence, intelligence vision, and military professionalism?

Umut Guner

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